Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Introduction

Let me Introduce myself

Hmmm... Where to begin?
Well I could start with my J.Crew obsession.
Eh. First I need to give you guys a little bit of background information on how said obsession with J.Crew and fashion in general came about.

My love for fashion began at an extremely young age when I refused to wear absolutely nothing but a dress, about a month into it I decided a skirt was okay just as long as my tights were under it. I was a very difficult child if you can tell. I knew from the moment I took my first step it was clear I was an independent thinker.

My Aunt CeCe, who is a crazy, was actually the one that really projected this obsession with dresses. She was always my cool, hippie, rocker aunt that had oodles of money and a keen sense of style. She was the one that delivered me my first dress. A cute corduroy navy dress with girly colored flowers all over it, believe me this was extremely fashionable for the 90's. It was love at first sight. I put on the dress and felt on overwhelming sense of belonging, which in turn is really sad because this was probably the moment where my future bank account had a seizer, a sense of oh my god I feel like a movie star moment. After that my poor parents were done for. As  their bank account dwindled on clothes for me and stuffed animals for my sister I felt the need for more. More barbies, more clothes, more shoes, more tights! Looking back I actually feel bad for them. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they had me. Do you now see why I call my fashion an obsession?

So here I am deciding to write a blog for everyone describing my daily inner conflicts of "No, Mevy you really do not need that shirt. No you do not. NO. Just keep walking" to justifying it " Yes I do need this shirt because not only will it look awesome with my high wasted hunter green skirt it will also pair really well with my betsey necklace." It is actually a very complicated process and usually my want gives into my need. "I want these Kate Spade flats" turns into "I need these Kate Spade flats for my skinnies and that one top I bought that one time that I don't have shoes for." Yeah I know. I have a slight bit of a problem. Well maybe not a slight bit but you know...Kate Spade shoes....

Speaking of shoes....Mom if you are going to read this I really do need those flats. It is posted on my Pinterest under "Sparkle and Shine," which is my Christmas list. Just saying.

Anyways if you are reading this you can already see I have a major problem. My bank account is more sad than a cow stuck in the fence. Oh and yeah I am from the south. Do not mind the weird random southern sayings I throw in here. But my problem is my constant struggle of buying amazing, beautiful, wonderful, clothes and with my sad little financial  standpoint. And in case you were wondering yes my name is Mevy, or Mevysen if you want to get all formal and what not, and I am suffering from shopaholism.

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