Well I made it.
Not really, but really.
I have already learned so much from being in London!
1.I crave waffles everyday. Why? Because there is a freaking waffle place on every freaking corner of this city. It is like Starbucks in New York City. Except way worse. I even woke up last night having the most awkward craving for one. So far I have been able to just walk away but soon the craving will overtake and I will go into this mad sugar crazed rush and storm the waffle cart. Mmmmm waffles... Sweet buttery goodness with your delicious crust outside and soft warm inside. With your syrupy squares that holds that sweet corn syrup so perfectly. OMG. What is this addiction?! WAFFLES. No. Nonononono. No more.
2. I am amazing with the tube. Not to brag or anything but who hasn't been lost yet, well except that one time after that ridiculous bar. I mean bar? What bar? Psh I don't go to bars..., but I have not been lost yet *cough cough.
3. The fashion here is immaculate. I am living in hipster central which means I get to see the coolest, and weirdest, outfits in the world. But I really would like to tell the hipsters those boots their wearing well EVERYONE HAS THOSE. So HAH! Suck it hipsters!! I do get to wear my glasses though and not get a questioning stare. It is really nice not being asked if they are real. For those of you that do ask: Yes they are freaking real. Why in the mother of pearl would I have these annoying glasses that keep slipping off of my nose if they were not freaking real?! What sense does that make?! Sorry I am not an attention seeking 13 year old girl. But back to fashion. Dude it is amazing. I will say though that no one wears bright colours and I just happen to pride myself on trying to wear every colour of the rainbow everyday so as you can imagine I stand out a bit. I think the people of London are always blinded by me since they only wear the darker colours. I had one strange individual run into a post because he was staring at my jacket for too long. I am really hoping this trick will work for Prince Harry so he will be so blinded by my colours that he will not even notice us getting engaged...
4. I am broke. Of course I mean I kind of knew that... Sort of.... but I am one step away from the ramen noodle diet. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because 1. Gross. and 2. How am I supposed to still fit into my J.Crew clothes if I go on a strict ramen diet?! That would cause me to buy a completely new wardrobe. Hmmm maybe I will try the ramen diet after all...
5.Cars DO NOT stop. I have seen stupid people almost run over on a regular basis. For example "Hey ya'll look at that big clock thingy over there. What's that crap called? Never mind I don't care. 'MURICA. Now where are those freedom fries and my power wheelie. OH SNAP a bus!" Yeah. It has happened.
6. I am embarrassed by Americans. Sad right? I have been asked multiple times if I eat McDonalds every day and live like Honey Boo Boo. WTF MATE. I then look at them and ask if it looks like I have five chins and a pet pig (side note: my cousin actually had a pet pig and it was adorable. So no offence to pigs. I would love to have a nanopig. I mean oh my god have you seen those things?! They are the cutest thing in the world! Just think of it's little face and cute little feet! ahhhhhhh so cute! Damn. I really need to stop getting distracted. NANOPIG.
7. Italian men are creepy. Enough said.
8.Kabobs are almost as good as waffles. Plus they have lettuce in them so it is healthy right?
9. I have a shopping problem. Old news.
Well so far so good here. I will try to update more. Toodles for now. Hehehehe toodles. heheh.
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